Keeping Carpets Clean in the Spring

The first days of Spring are a renewal of sorts. Trees start sprouting new leaves, the grass begins to grow again, and the first daffodils of the year signify the start of warmer weather and sunny day. But this is the Pacific Northwest, so we know that there are still plenty of days of rain on the horizon.

Which really isn’t much of a deterrent for most of us. As long as we have our trusty fleeces, a little bit of rain won’t keep us from enjoying the great outdoors. If the temperatures stay above 50 degrees, we’ll still hit the trails, back paths, and sports fields. Shoot, there is still snow on the mountain!

This is also a great time of year for Spring cleaning, purging non-essential items we picked up throughout the year, replacing winter clothes in our closet with duds that better match the weather, or donating toys, stuffed animals, and books the kids no longer pay attention to.

Spring cleaning will eventually collide with our nature to enjoy the great outdoors. We’ll track grass, dirt, and mud into our cars and then into our homes. Whether it’s through the garage, the back, or the front doors, the activity of the day hitches a ride and makes a new home on our carpet, hardwood, or vinyl flooring.

Even area rugs that see a lot of foot traffic get a little dingy and dank. High traffic areas are the most visible to visitors and after the first few weeks of softball practice, your carpet will look years older. With Mother’s Day, Easter, and other events approaching, hiring a carpet cleaning service every week can get a little spendy.

So instead of getting your floors professionally cleaned any time you get a muddy footprint in the foyer, follow these handy tips to keep your floors clean during the Spring:

  • Lose the Shoes. Whether you’re bringing the kids home from mud-soaked soccer practices or taking the dog for a puddle-filled walk, have everyone remove their shoes before coming into the house. If you have a mudroom door off the back of the house, make sure that it becomes the new front door for your filthy family.
  • Strike First, Strike Fast. If some dirt does find it’s way into the house, act fast to make sure the debris doesn’t get ground in. A simple solution of warm water and baking soda dabbed into the dirt will clean the carpet right up. When dried, simply vacuum up the powder. Adding a few essential oils will also remove that musty smell.
  • Make The Old New Again. If you have hardwood floors it might be a good time to refinish them. This will help protect the floors and bring back its luster. And don’t let the kids wear their soccer cleats indoor!

If your carpet has taken a beating from the winter weather – and holiday gatherings – it might be time to hire a professional carpet cleaning service. Heaven’s Best has been cleaning carpet, upholstery, hardwood, and tile in Clark County since 1999.

Our non-toxic and eco-friendly carpet cleaner deep cleans even the most run-down carpets and brings them back to life. Using the cleaning tips above, along with our service every month or two, will keep your floors looking clean and brand new all year long. Contact us for a free estimate today.

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