If you’re able to see the accident as it happens, some quick action on your part can keep a stain from setting. Some messes are relatively easy to clean up (fresh muddy shoe prints), can be [...]
Can you imagine a world without pets? Big ones, tiny ones, furry, feathering, scaly ones? Two legs, four legs, or no legs (don’t forget about fish!). Although pets can be kept in aquariums, [...]
The warm summer months are coming to a close and the blustery, cold, and wet Fall and Winter seasons are descending on the Pacific Northwest. It’s reassuring to come home, take off those shoes, [...]
Kids spilling their drinks, puppies having accidents, and mud getting trampled through the house are just some of the ways carpeting can really take a beating. It is no secret that keeping your [...]
Berber, shag, cut pile, loop – at one time or another, all carpet has been soiled by muddy paws, dropped wine, or a sick child. In most of those cases, quick action can prevent a [...]
In the Pacific Northwest, there is really no downtime for leaving the house and enjoying the great outdoors. The Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons make sure hiking trails, ball fields, and camping [...]
The first days of Spring are a renewal of sorts. Trees start sprouting new leaves, the grass begins to grow again, and the first daffodils of the year signify the start of warmer weather and [...]
Clark County is ideally situated to take advantage of everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Dipping our toes into the Pacific Ocean during the summer. Hiking or biking up and down the [...]
Everybody loves a brand new carpet! The way it feels under our bare feet, how nice it looks after vacuuming, and how it improves the overall look of the home. After a few years, though, the [...]
While September 21st was the “official” first day of fall, there are still some sunny days ahead and chances to get outside. As foggy mornings give away to bright afternoons, there’s still some [...]